Welcome in Tutorail-3
From previous lesson we learn about headings and paragraphs that how can we write them in html code ,it's really very simple, guys In today's tutorial we learn something new about how can we add images videos in our website, along with heading and paragraphs it's also quite easy to remember.
Section 1: Part 3
Before moving into the code first we must let to know that what is multimedia?
Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio,video, and animation in addition to traditional media for For example text,graphics/drawings,images etc.In other words ,Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer controlled integration of text,graphics,drawings, still and moving images (videos), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of information can be represented,stored,transmitted and processed digitally.
Now I think now you have easily understood about multimedia.
Now moving into the Html code. First try to understand with image.
<img src="imageName.extension"/>
In order to add images to our web page, we use the simple <img> tag(element) with also closing tag using"/" , In image "src" is the attribute which specifics the URL ( web address) Of the image whether it is in your desktop or in browser and " alt " is another attribute which is used for describing the image.
The "Src" attribute with "alt" attribute describes the content of an image. The "alt" attribute text will be displayed in place of the image if the image is not available.
There's a lot of websites that provide no-copyrighted images, For Downloading images for your websites visit Description
As we seen that adding images to our website is quite easy just like images adding videos is also very easy instead of "<img>" tag we should use "<video>" tag and in "Src" attribute write the URL( web address) of your video that you want in your website.
<video src="https://front-end-web development.com/" controls></video>
<audio src="demo.mp4" controls></audio>
Along with these options of adding multimedia in your websites you can easily add a lot more other things in order to make your website more effective in front of viewers as we knew that images,videos and audios are affect a lot to our viewers instead of text so trying to make your website more effective by using these simple html codes.
See you in the next tutorail!
Along with these options of adding multimedia in your websites you can easily add a lot more other things in order to make your website more effective in front of viewers as we knew that images,videos and audios are affect a lot to our viewers instead of text so trying to make your website more effective by using these simple html codes.
See you in the next tutorail!
very informative
Amazing content yr
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